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Age: 10-11 years old 
Gender: Coed 
Players on Field: 9 v 9 (8 fields players and 1 keeper) 
Minimum # on Field: 7 per team (to avoid forfeit)  
Total Players per Team: 12-14 
Ball size:
Substitutions: Team with possession on a throw-in may substitute with permission of the Referee.  Both teams may substitute prior to the throw-in if the team in possession is substituting.  Both teams may substitute at goal kicks and kickoffs with permission of the Referee.

Duration of Game:
30 minute halves 
5 minutes at half time 
65 minutes total time


FIFA Laws of the game, except
No deliberate heading the ball (indirect kick for other team) 
Goalkeepers are permitted to punt, however, all types of distribution are encouraged (rolling, throwing, putting the ball down and playing with feet)
Referees explain various calls/rules to players as a teaching aid
No scores/standings kept


If a coach enters the field to check an injured player, the player must leave the field. Coaches should try to re-enter the player, if possible, to maximize playing time for each player.

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