Registration Opening For All Fall Programming August 1st
LITTLE DYNAMO (2020 Birth Years)
Starting September 15th
A Fun Introduction and first Steps in Soccer with lots of games and enjoyment!8 Week Friday Evening Program (6pm - 6.45pm)We love to get the parents involved too!Fun Fact: Many of our Junior Players took there first steps in our Little Dynamo program and are still in our program today!
IN HOUSE (2019 - 2012 Birth Years)
Starting Week Commencing September 18th
- Our biggest and most popular program for players of all abilities - Train once a week (Your Choice Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday - All games on Saturday mornings (Between 8am - 2pm)- Volunteer coaches needed, Indicate on form (discounted rates/future seasons- $15 Discount for those who played in Fall 2022 or Spring 2023 and have a uniform
TARSA (2011 - 2005 Birth Years)
Starting Week Commencing September 18th
- Recreational Play for our Older Players- Training once a week on Monday Evenings- Games ran by the TARSA Association on Weekends: https://www.tarsasoccer.org/- Training & home games out of the Summerfield Sports Complex- Local Travel for any away games - $15 Discount for those who played TARSA last year and have a uniform